martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Bye Bye Brazil

From Bonito we returned to Sao Paulo and so home... Some final views.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

Miranda - Bonito

After a day on a huge fazenda (San Francisco - 15,000 hectares) with masses of birds we have moved on to Bonito south of the Pantanal where the streams are clear.


Meeting of the waters

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009


Hello from the Pantanal in western Brazil, where we are looking at birds and alligators!

We spent 3 days near Aquidauana and are now near Miranda after a journey on the Pantanal Express. Not much to tell in text so I'll post some photies to let you see for yourselves!


And I'm doing it with one leg in plaster!


Tuiuiu - the symbol of the Pantanal


A dazzled fox